About obstructive & reasonable life rules

9 to 5, the gapless CV, treehouses are for kids only – rules are here to simplify our lives. But do we check them periodically for their usefullness and their benefit? Ancient rules, obsolete beliefs, impeding doctrines are like annoying circulars in our mailboxes. Nobody needs them and they pollute.


We transfer beliefs from generation to generation or we create them ourselves without questioning them. Which rules annoy you the most? Which ones  stand in your way? Which ones do you pass on to your children? Most of the times we can’t even identify those subtle rules, because we just don’t have a word for them.


Vishen Lakhiani, founder of Mindvalley, came up with a very good word for this kind of unnecessary rules: brules. Bullshit-rules. That’s rules we take through imitation or conditioning. Brules are there to be scrutinized, to nix them and swap them for useful ones. We like that.



We think our 10 new treehouse rules are very useful. We also follow them. Always – see rule number 10 ?



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