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Treehousehotels in Africa



Ngong House

Six treehouses, two huts and a suite in the main house are available in this luxurious private resort nearby Nairobi National Park.




Douar Samra

This little private resort is situated in Toubkar National Park. One treehouse, a lush garden and sunny terraces.




Tongabezi Lodge

This treehouse looks over the banks of the Zambezi river and offers the service and all amenities of a luxurious resort. At close range to Victoria Falls.


South Africa:


Lion Sands

Three treehouses in different national parks belong to the extravagant and adventurous portfolio of this private game reserve.

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Pezulu Tree House Lodge

This private little game reserve is located near Kruger National Park, offering ten different treehouses for an unique experience in the bush.


Tsala Treetop Lodge

Sixteen treesuites and -villas are available for guests of this exclusive hotel located at the southern tip of Africa. Each with its own pool. 




Chole Mjini

Seven treehouses with seaview on the small green Mafia Island in a private resort.

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Tarangire Treetops

Twenty spacious treehouses group around the main house with pool overlooking the savanna in the eastern part of the country.




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